It is with regret that the committee and trustees have made a decision this evening to terminate all scheduled services with immediate effect until further notice.
This decision has been made due to the Covid 19 pandemic and to safeguard both drivers and passengers from the outbreak of the disease.
We will be contacting local groups to see if Bob assets and drivers can support any of the crucial services currently being provided to the community through this difficult time.
We have been informed by Devon County Council that bus pass restrictions have been lifted in responce to the Coronavirus pandemic. This means from 20th March 2020 you can use your bus pass before 9.30am and on any route
We know that there are lots of concerns about the current serious situation and
the uncertainty that everybody is feeling at this time. Our first
priority is to protect the safety of our volunteer drivers and our passengers
We wanted to reassure you that we are following the very latest advice from the
Government and public health authorities regarding coronavirus (COVID-19).
The advice from the government is that people can continue to use public
transport and our services are continuing to run to their planned timetables.
We have taken additional measures to protect both drivers and passengers
Drivers are provided with PPE gloves/bacterial wipes and hand wash
Service buses are being cleaned with recommended solution every day, paying particular attention to areas of contact, grab rails, seatbelts and seats
Drivers 70 and over or those with underlying health condition are no longer able to drive due to being within the high risk category
Government and public health advice continues to be that the most
effective measure that people can take to protect themselves and others from
the virus is to regularly wash their hands for 20 seconds with soap and water,
or use a hand sanitiser gel if soap and water isn’t available.
The advice from the government and public health authorities is that social distancing should be adopted by all. Everyone should avoid non-essential travel. Over 70s, pregnant women and those with chronic diseases should avoid non-essential social contact. Entire households should self-isolate for 14 days if anyone in that household has symptoms.
Q. Are both Bob 1/2 services continuing to run as normal?
Yes. Our
services are continuing to operate according to their regular timetables.
Q. Are there any extra measures I should take
whilst travelling?
advised by the NHS, people should follow simple measures to stop viruses like
coronavirus spreading:
• wash your hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds
• always wash your hands when you get home or into work
• use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available
• cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when
you cough or sneeze
• put used tissues in the bin straight away and wash your hands afterwards
• try to avoid close contact with people who are unwell
Q. Can you still hire Bob for community group
events or private hire?
government advice is that people should not engage in non-essential travel. Pre
booked events therefore may be cancelled by the group themselves or by the
charity. Each booking will be reviewed in line with government advise. New
bookings will not be taken at this current time
Q. What contingency measures do you have in place
if the spread of the virus continues?
The committee members and coordinator are monitoring
and reviewing our services on a daily basis and seeking advice from Devon
County Council regarding our registered services and our obligations under our
bus permits.
. Bob the Band (all volunteer drivers) will be performing at the late night Christmas festival @ The Rotherfold in Totnes to raise funds for the charity and keep the wheels of Bob turning. Come along and enjoy all your favourite bus related songs !!
Dont forget you can ride in on Bob on the Park and Ride detils HERE
We have been informed that sadly Totnes Town Council have decided to cancel the Christmas Festival night on 10th Dec due to adverse weather. (This will apply to extra street stalls and entertainment NOT the shops, pubs or cafes) See their Facebook Page HERE
We will not be running the Park and Ride from Follaton due to this decision.
The Park and Ride for 17th Dec will go ahead as planned